iTero Imaging ProcessDigital Scanning
Dental impressions are an essential part of planning treatment and creating orthodontic appliances. However, for many patients, the process of taking impressions can be a particularly unpleasant experience. Traditional impressions that use the “goop” are messy and uncomfortable. Fortunately, for technicians and patients alike, advances in technology now allow dentists and orthodontists to eliminate the goopy material entirely.
Digital scanning also streamlines Invisalign treatment. The scanner is integrated with Invisalign and reduces what is a two-step process with traditional impressions to a single step using a digital scan. Digital impressions cut the Invisalign start time from 6 weeks to just 3 weeks using the digital scanner. Even better, patients can see a simulation of their treatment based on the digital impression and view the “after” before treatment begins.
Digital scanning is now the gold standard in patient comfort and accuracy for taking impressions. Digital scanning ensures an accurate impression that results in more effective orthodontic planning and treatment: best of all, no more goop, gagging, discomfort or anxiety related to traditional impressions.
Dr. Blaine Langberg now offers advance 3D digital scanning at his office. According to Dr. Langberg, “Digital scanning is a huge step up in patient care. It allows us to create precise impressions even for those patients who typically have difficulty tolerating the process. We are pleased to offer this new technology for even more comfortable and exceptional patient experience.”
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